Standing With Pines.

Standing With Pines aims to inform New Zealanders of the numerous benefits that pine plantations bring to our communities, economy and importantly, our environment.

Along with numerous other benefits, pine sequesters carbon faster than most species.

It is the main tool to give Aotearoa New Zealand time to transition to zero-carbon without decimating our economy.


Pines are leading our economy back to stability, with $6 billion in exports annually.

Many of our rural communities rely on the forest economy, with 41,000 people being employed in the industry nationwide.

As a sustainable resource, pine has provided an ongoing timber supply for hundreds of thousands of homes.

As a renewable resource, pine keeps on giving with durable, flexible and sustainable qualities.

Radiata, Prince of Pines

Has become New Zealand’s great timber tree, covering 1.3 million hectares of land and forming the basis of a billion-dollar-a-year export industry. New Zealand’s largest plantation forest region is located between Rotorua and Tāupo.

Research by Scion, the Forest Research Institute, aims to increase the productivity of pine trees.

As well as breed trees for particular purposes or locations, such as for storing carbon quicker, or trees which are resistant to drought.

The Forest Research Institute, has sequenced the pine genome.


“We need to deliver fast-growing trees which are resilient to pests, diseases and climate change, while providing high quality wood and fibre”

- Paul Watson, CEO of Radiata Pine Breeding

The Case for Pines

NZ Forest Owners Bulletin - Radiata Pines Research

NZ Forest Owners Bulletin - A New Key to Tree Breeding

Industry Field Trip October 2022 - Why Radiata

Industry Field Trip October 2022 - Tree Breeding

Scion Research - Forestry Myths

Whenua Oho - Pine Myth Busting


Learn more about what Standing With Pines sets out to achieve.

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